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No one enjoys writing their PEDRs, I get that. But do a few simple things below and I promise it’ll be easier for you in the long run.
It’s important to remember that the RIBA instructs Professional Studies Advisors to only provide commentary for candidates who have submitted their PEDRs within 1-3 months since the time the experience took place. I’m not saying anyone has ever failed for not having their PEDRs in order, but in a worst case scenario where maybe you’re not confident in your Case Study and Career Appraisal, or as an Examiner I feel you’re missing experience in certain areas, I will turn to your PEDRs for validation. Don’t undervalue investing in your safety net going into your Oral Examination. After all, you are being judged not as a student, but as a candidate on a professional course, whereby the very professional ability to manage your time is being reviewed. More "traditional" architects in examining you might not fail you on this but it’ll be a bug bear some may hold onto in the interview!
Bullet points are perfectly acceptable and actually helpful in being straight to the point, which leads us to the very opposite of this that we are trying to prevent, item 3.
We hate big lengthy copy and paste jobs just as much as you. Where possible, avoid overly repetitive/verbose copy/paste entries - I know this can be difficult, I appreciate that - but there must be an element of uniqueness in entries to demonstrate critical reflection as well as taking on comments in previous submissions.
Refer to the ARB Criteria where possible - this example is good where it makes reference to PC1, 2... 5 and the sub-criteria (PC2.5, etc) but through the lens of your own experience. This is what we’ll be looking for as an examiner and how hopefully your PSAs are responding in such a manner so we get a steer as to where your strengths and weaknesses lie.
But I beg you, do not attach dozens of pages and appendices, that is an absolute no-no. Simply attach 2-4 A4 pages with a couple clear images and captions on each page. This is purely a small sample of your work, you will have your Case Study coming up where you’ll have more room to go into greater depth, don’t over do it now!
These tips and more like them are captured with the 'Your Part III Toolkit' video, prepared for Part III candidates with real examples from previous submissions to learn from.
For more videos and recordings like these, please visit here.